The Key Concepts are the powerful ideas that have relevance within the subject area and that students explore and re-explore in order to develop a coherent,in-depth understanding. These concepts are like the "keys" that unlock the door of understanding. Also, by thinking through the key concepts our learning can connect across subjects and topics.
The 8 Key Concepts & Key Questions
FORM - What is it like?
FUNCTION - How does it work?
CAUSATION - Why is it like it is?
CHANGE - How is it changing?
CONNECTION - How is it connected to other things?
PERSPECTIVE - What are the points of view?
RESPONSIBILITY - What is our responsibility?
REFLECTION - How do we know?
This video may help you understand how to apply the Key Concepts at home: Key Concepts Video (This video was created by another school, however it highlights a wonderful usage of the Key Concepts at home).